logpecker main configuration file

This is the reference for the main configuration file. This file enables all rules and reports, and it also sets important parameters. It consists of the following parts:


options        ::= options '{' option-list '}'  ';'
option-list    ::= option [ option-list ]
option         ::= delay-period | delay-max | pending-period | pending-max 
delay-period   ::= "delay-period" time ';'
delay-max      ::= "delay-max" integer ';'
pending-period ::= "delay-period" time ';'
pending-max    ::= "delay-max" integer ';'
rules-path     ::= '{' directory-list '}' ';'
directory-list ::= directory ';' [ directory-list ]
There can be only one option section.

input definition

For each source of messages, one input section may exist. Syntax:
input        ::= input '{' input-specs '}' ';'
input-specs  ::= input-type input-format input-source
input-type   ::= 'type' ( 'file' | 'pipe' ) ';'
input-format ::= 'format' ( 'plain-syslog' | 'patched-syslog' | 'syslog-ng' | 'syslog-bsd' ) ';'
input-source ::= 'source' filename ';'

... the rest is still under construction